Mexican Insurance / Mexico Insurance
MexiPass® was founded in the United States of America in 1989
to provide Mexican Insurance...The American Way!
NOTE - Your policy may not contain all of these coverages.
MexiPass Special Plus Personal Auto Policy for Mexico This special policy in underwritten by AIG-Mexico and is a "breakthrough" product that provides the BEST and MOST COMPREHENSIVE Automobile Coverage in the Mexican Insurance Market. Unlike any other Mexican auto policy, this program offers the same conditions as a preferred automobile policy in the USA. This includes: Liability coverage (with passenger liability and legal defense); Medical Payments; Uninsured Motorists; True Comprehensive and Collision Coverage; Towing & Labor; PLUS a broad Travel Coverage section designed for Americans visiting Mexico.
MexiPass Standard Auto Policy for Mexico This program is for insureds that do not desire to purchase or do not qualify for the Special Plus Policy. Coverage is limited if compared to US Standards, with Policy Conditions from the traditional Tourist Auto Policy used by everyone in the Mexican market, but with the peace of mind of having the services and strength of AIG-Mexico as the underwriter.
MexiPass Special Homeowners Policy for Mexico (MexiHome PLUS) This program is designed to provide homeowners coverage for Americans who own vacation homes in Mexico. The MexiPass Special Homeowners Policy is the only policy in the Mexican market that will protect American homeowners in Mexico with the same level of coverage and conditions as HO series policies in the USA, with conditions that are easy to read and understand.
MexiPass Special Watercraft Policy for Mexico (MexiBOAT)This program protects U.S. residents' boats in Mexico.
Mexican Aviation Liability PolicyThis program protect U.S. residents flying into Mexico.